09 Nov

What do you do if someone is constantly speaking for you and you don’t do anything about it?

It could be you’ll end up being associated with information you don’t agree with, and being misrepresented by others.

Here are some steps you can take to reclaim your voice:

♠ Have a private conversation expressing your concerns and desire to speak for yourself.
♠ Clearly and confidently communicate your own thoughts and opinions during meetings.
♠ Define your role and responsibilities to prevent overstepping by others.
♠ Keep a record of instances where someone speaks on your behalf.
♠ If the issue persists, involve your supervisor or manager and provide examples.
♠ Keep interactions professional and focus on resolving the issue constructively.

These steps can help you address the situation and ensure that your voice and contributions are recognised at work.

If you need some help reclaiming your voice at work, feel free to email me and we can get you back on track.

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